
Forum holds 2024 annual general meeting

The eleventh annual general meeting of the Hampstead Neighbourhood Forum heard a report on the Forum’s activities over the past year, notably on the revision of the Hampstead Neighbourhood Plan and the extensive public consultation on the new draft.

The meeting was held at the Hampstead Community Centre at 7pm on Tuesday 12 March 2024.

Alexander Nicoll, Forum chair, said many residents had commented on the revision via the survey that the Forum had recently conducted. Overall, the comments had been very positive.

We distributed a leaflet to all homes in the Plan area. We publicised the process in numerous columns in the Ham&High. The Heath & Hampstead Society very kindly included a piece in the latest edition of its brilliant quarterly newsletter. And among other efforts we have consulted schoolchildren about what they think.’

The Forum would soon submit the draft Plan to Camden which would then conduct another public consultation. Then the plan would go to an independent examiner. And finally, it would be put to a referendum of residents in the Plan area.

The AGM approved the minutes of the 2023 AGM. Members approved the 2023 accounts. The meeting elected a committee for the coming year.

Members then took part in a discussion on retrofitting homes to make them more energy-efficient. (This is reported separately.)

View the slides for the AGM and workshop

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