
Forum publishes initial draft of revised Neighbourhood Plan

Comments are invited on the draft revised PlanComments are invited on the draft revised Plan

As part of a constant process of consultation, we are inviting comments on a revised draft version of the Hampstead Neighbourhood Plan.

The existing Plan came into force in 2018 and has proved effective in helping to guide development. However, we believe there is support for strengthening several aspects so as to encourage sustainable development and promote biodiversity. Therefore, we have written some new policies, though much of the Plan remains essentially unchanged.

We stress that the draft is not finished. We are working to produce better maps, and there could still be adjustments elsewhere. We will also in time make the contents of the future Plan more accessible online.

The purpose of publishing this draft is not to seek final approval, but to invite comments.

A consultation on the main new aspects will soon be launched with a poll of residents. When we have completed the draft, it will be submitted formally to Camden, which will also hold a public consultation and then send it for assessment by an independent examiner.

Then, it will be subject to a public referendum. The existing Plan was supported by 91% of voters in 2018. The revised Plan can only enter force if it is approved in a referendum and then given final clearance by Camden. Meanwhile, the existing Plan remains in force.

You can read the new draft here. The new policies are DH3 (Sustainable development) and DH4 (Clean and considerate construction). In addition, we have reworked the policies on the natural environment with the addition of policy NE1 (Supporting biodiversity) and NE2 (Ecological networks and biodiversity corridors. In addition, we have including guidance on two potential strategic sites’, in case there are applications to develop them in the future: Queen Mary’s House, and the Shepherd’s Walk sorting office.

If you would like to comment, please email

If you want to compare the new draft with the Plan that is now in force, you can read that in full on Camden’s website.

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