
Survey shows strong support for changes to Neighbourhood Plan

The revision of the Neighbourhood Plan has taken a big step forward with the expression of strong support from residents in a survey carried out earlier in 2024.

The Hampstead Neighbourhood Forum invited residents to comment on the changes it is proposing. The survey, part of a statutory Regulation 14’ consultation, was widely distributed, with a leaflet sent to every household in the Plan area. It was part of a consultation process that has included, over the past two years, public meetings, mailings and coverage in the local press.

The revision of the Plan reflects increasing public awareness of the need for sustainable development and enhancement of the natural environment. It also reflects new developments in UK law on biodiversity and a growing focus on sustainability in planning laws and regulations, including in the new Camden draft local plan.

The survey showed 89% support for new policies on sustainable development, putting greater emphasis on retrofitting and energy efficient measures. A proposed new policy on considerate construction was backed by 88% of respondents. So too were improvements to the natural environment policies, aiming to bolster biodiversity and foster a biodiversity network throughout the Plan area.

Underlying the existing Neighbourhood Plan is a vision and a set of aims that guided the writing of the Plan’s policies. Reassuringly, 95% of respondents said that they still supported those goals.

Read the full report on the survey results, including the comments made by residents and the Forum’s responses to those comments, and actions if applicable, by clicking here

Read the latest draft, following changes including those responding to the survey, by clicking here

If you have questions about the survey, please email

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