NO2 tubes
The Hampstead Neighbourhood Forum has almost completed a year-long project to monitor levels of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) in our air.
Monthly readings are being taken from diffusion tubes set up all around Hampstead. The first months of laboratory data suggest a reduction in NO2 pollution compared with the levels we recorded six years ago, though it remains in excess of legal limits.
Katharina Schauer and Francesca Agostini, of Green School Runs, are leading our air monitoring project. We thank them and we’re grateful to donors who have helped to fund the Forum’s work, including the Heath & Hampstead Society.
We especially thank the volunteers who have been putting up and changing the tubes, including children from three schools: the travel ambassadors at Devonshire House School, the eco committee at UCS Junior Branch, and the upper elementary at Maria Montessori School.
Agostini reported on progress in the Ham&High in May 2022.
We hope you will consider helping to support this important work. Please donate.